Vee Jay J30 Naples FL Vee Jay 40569 photo by Bonnie Dinger  2010
J30    Vee Jay   40569
Naples: Randy, Aaron, Tom, Tim, Rosie, Vic, John, Steve checking spin
Cap'n Vic   
the Vee Jays
Winter 2009/10 -- Naples      
Gulf Coast Sailing Club
Newport Yacht Club
Jamestown Yacht Club
APRIL 2010 --- Sailing Association of Marco Island 2010 Regatta
Video of Vee Jay giving Shock a hard time under Spin also showing developing storm front.    The last regatta of the winter season was spectacular:

1. The crew was one of the best Vee Jay had in the last three years [same crew as the GCSC regatta],

2. In spite of our jib falling apart after just two years, we still were able to come in second,

3. We survived a challenging weather front that was unexpected and made the ride home from Marco exciting.

    We were having so much fun during Sunday's last race that we didn't realize that the front was moving down on us very quickly, and way stronger than predicted ... from a sunny, gentle warm wind from the south, it changed in just a few minutes into a 30 mph steady cold rainstorm that yielded 4 in. of rain in 2 hours, tiny hail, 6 ft short wind driven waves, and windgusts up to 57 mph. Now wearing life preservers, and unable to continue north under power to Naples, we spent an hour running without sails off shore to the west and open Gulf ... while the storm moved away to the east and the Everglades.

    Fortunately we had the foredeck crew [Randy and Aaron] able to take over the helm in cold, soaking, high wind conditions that sent the skipper below to keep warm and plot the GPS course back. Tim, the only one with decent foul weather gear on board, piloted us back up the Gordon River in the rain, which stopped as we got to the slip.

 Jabu and Shock ahead of us into the storm.

Steve, John, Aaron and Tom out of the rain for a bit.

Tim .... and Randy and Rosie ... on deck.
MARCH 2010 --- Gulf Coast Sailing Club 34th Regatta and Porsche Cup
Vee Jay 40569 photo by Bonnie Dinger 2010
    All reefed down ... BUT HEY ... this fourth race Vee Jay corrected out ahead of Toad Hall [S2 9.1 and Foreign Exchange [Dehler 34] who ran over powered.

    Also had a decent start against J95 Banjo who had forced us over early in a race the day before:  YouTube Video of nice start here.

    Because of the wind conditions with water over deck and flowing into the forward hatch we did not plan launching spin the last leg of the last race. Then the crew voted to spin ... which put Randy with a set up the spin at the last minute test:  YouTube Video of Randy at work.
    Gulf Coast Sailing Club -- the Heart of Sailing in Naples -- holds one yearly regatta and Vee Jay's highlight of the season. Three races on Saturday with conditions ranging from drifting to nice; two races on Sunday with wind that kicked up to 25+ and seas around 5+. Sunday's conditions were twice the forecast and caught us with lightweight sails on.

    Vee Jay 40569 photo by Bonnie Dinger 2010Shock shocked us all by a definite, solid 1st place -- helped by cleaning off a 1 in. column of barnacles from the leading edge of the keel and rudder the week before. Shock, combined with two fast S2 7.9s, left us playing only with the S2 9.1 and Dehler 34 -- tied the 9.1, with the 34 one point behind.
Vee Jay 40569 photo by Bonnie Dinger
Bama Slammer, Toad Hall, Flame, Vee Jay for a light wind start on Saturday.
Other photos of the Gulf Coast Sailing Club 34th Annual Regatta here.
MARCH 2010 --- Naples Sailing & Yacht Club Winter Cup
    What was anticipated to be a COLD [when we left the dock it was 45 degrees !!!] one day NSYC Winter Cup with gently sheltered breeze out of the East, flipflopped 90 degrees during the first race which was aborted. That was good because Vee Jay made a LOT of mistakes that race and was trailing dead last.

    But three additional races later with its rock stready experience in N/NW 15+ kts wind with building waves, Vee Jay took every race in Spin b, and Overall Spin fleet third, losing only to Rod J's Banjo [J95 with an kicked up 155% genny] and Maria [Soverel 33].
More Vee Jay on YouTube:

Keeping an eye on the Farr 39.5 and J95 as the wind and waves kicked up

Encounter with JABU crossing in front of Shock and behind Vee Jay

Spin hoist decent wind and waves

Skipper error at a start
Foredeckers Randy and Aaron,
main-trim John

Stbd-trim Tim, mid-bow Steve,
port-trim Tom, and skipper Vic

FEBRUARY 2010 --- Marco Island Yacht Club Winter Cup
   Two warm days during a pretty unusual winter spell of cold fronts. Two light wind races on Saturday; three on Sunday with Vee Jay edged out of 2nd place by 1 point. BUT we did get some interesting video.

   Sunday's Crew: Vic, Tim, Steve, Tor, Rosie, and Aaron. Saturday had Tom and Dean on board.
Vee Jay on YouTube:

T-Bone snuffs Vee Jay out

Vee Jay gives Shock a shock

Tri's playing bumper boat and getting in Shock/FE way

New Mastman and Bowman on Sunday


Hourglass [Skipper's a little loud ... til he realizes that new foredeck crew never hourglassed before]

   The Shock Crew: George, Frank, Keith, Barb, Jim, and Skipper Dave.
   The most interesting race saw Vee Jay and Shock battle it out with Shock crossing the line 1 second ahead. We were sure it was the other way around, but since Dave is the senior skipper we voted not to protest.

   Can you believe two Alaskans on the Vee Jay crew? Rosie and Aaron.
JANUARY 2010 --- Naples AVOW Hospice Sixth Annual Regatta
Leading the Spin B fleet home: T-Bone, Shock, Toad Hall, Foreign Exchange, and Vee Jay
Vee Jay 40569 photo by Bonnie Dinger 2010
   Fortunately we had three races. The first two were simple once around WL that we used for practice. The third was a serious twice around which Shock managed to squeak by 39 seconds to finish 1st; Vee Jay 2nd. Shock was using an oversized spin from a 1977 C&C33. Vee Jay using spin from Newport OD 1995.

Tor, Rosie, Steve, Tim, Vic, John, Tom, and Randy .... photo taken by Aaron.

   Skipper Vic used a CoutourHD sports camera straped to head to capture the crew hoisting spin and bring Vee Jay to YouTube. For more clips google: J30 Vee Jay 40569 video
For more photos from the Naples AVOW Hospice Regatta click here
JANUARY 2010 --- Spin Practice Sessions
[In process]
JANUARY 2010 --- Naples Sailing and Yacht Club New Year's Cup
   Even though Vee Jay just made the start at 11 a.m. for spin boats, the low, low tide combined with the cold north 20 kt wind set Vee Jay records. It took the crew 45 minutes to break free of the mud at the City Dock slip.

    Two lines were run from the outside pilings through the bow chocks and back to the winches. Randy ran back and forth across rocking the boat to the amusement of people watching us on the main dock.

    Shock missed the first race aground at Dr. Pass. Vee Jay picked up a bottle of Slavianskaya Vodka [Cranberry flavored -Red- for second], but then the awards for all boats placing was a bottle of Vodka in keeping with the cold weather, which barely made it to the low 60s.
Vee Jay 40569 with Christmas Spin, photo by Bonnie Dinger 2010    While the Xmas spin was in the Vee Jay inventory for the last three years, this was the first time we used it exclusively for a regatta. It is a 40+ year old spin and interesting reflects the symbol for the Cross of Lorraine [a double armed cross symbol associated with St. Joan of Arc, the patron saint of Vee Jay].

    This was also one of the first symbols used on Christmas Seals just about 100 years ago.
Cross of St. Joan of Arc
    Just goes to show you what you can "acquire" when no one else bids against you on Ebay. Nevertheless, it was good enough for Vee Jay to hit sustained gps speeds over 7.5, with peaks to 8.5 kts. In honor of St. Joan ... only a little blood was shed.
Vee Jay 40569 vs Tippycanoe, photo by Bonnie Dinger    Tippycanoe [Farr 39.5] "didn't see us." Astutely the Vee Jay crew pulled legs inside ... all except for Randy who was sure if we did hit he would be in front of the impact site.

    Vee Jay did have right of way considering that we were leeward AND Tippy was overtaking. We let them pass us and tacked behind them.

    Crew was Ben [14], Tim, Steve, Randy, Tom, Joe, Frank LoR, and Vic
    T-Bone watches Vee Jay catch them at the finish ... they opted not to fly spin waiting for replacement rigging. However, they did correct over us for 1st.
    Cap'n Vic keeps the Shock away.

other photos of the NSYC New Year's Day Cup here
DECEMBER 2009 --- Winter Break
We had an amazing Winter Break the last two weeks of December with a number of "kids" taking time to sail on Shock and Vee Jay -- with several two boat tune ups to entertain everyone.
Sophie setting record as youngest drvier on Vee Jay William and Sophie J30 Crew from Belle Faster Mike showing William how to do foredeck.
Sophie and William -- J30 Belle Faster crew.
Vee Jay Spinning south Keewaydin coast. Tailing Spin
The Team Weinstein Sisters
Tim coaching Ben and George. Tim coaching Ben on Shock. Tim coaching George on Vee Jay
Ben and Geroge Spin foredeck training Dave working with Dr. Helen Miscellaneous foredeck crew.
Crew on Foredeck
DECEMBER 2009 --- Naples Yacht Club Boca 90 Mile [nautical]
   Naples Yacht Club, 90 nautical mile overnight race from Naples to San Carlos Bay "SC" to Boca Grande "R2" and return to Naples Pier.
   Friday, Dec. 11 started at 4:05 pm., Saturday finish at 5:22 am.
   Won 2nd Spin [beat Santa Cruz 37, lost to Tartan 4100].
Dave, Randy, Vic, Dr. Helen, Tim
Dr. Helen
   This was the third Boca 90 for Vee Jay and the fastest race of them all. 13 hours with sustained ~ 20 gusty winds NNE to NE. Winds not right for spin runs, but we would have had to think about it with the wave action and wind strength as it got a little aggressive off shore on the return south from Boca Grande. Water now and then on the side decks but nothing into the cockpit. As it was we were averaging GPS speed close to 7 kts for the entire race.

   Dr. Helen had no stitches to sew with just a few contusions and abrasions, and as always she was prepared for anything.

   With the wind pretty fixed Vee Jay basically did one tack north and one tack south. No real decisions to make except to sail safe. Typical Naples December weather: really warm day, chilly night. Of 13 hours: 2.5 daylight, minor moonlight.
Photos of the race start ... here
Sailed track vs. GPS course here [GPS course magenta, sailed track yellow.]
November 2009 -- Marco Island Yacht Club Fall Regatta
Six races over the weekend with Vee Jay picking up a third place over all. Photo is Shock in lead over Vee Jay.
October 2009 -- Naples Sailing and Yacht Club Commodore's Cup
   Arrived for the season mid Oct. and had to start racing two weeks later with the Naples Sailing and Yacht Club Commodore's Cup. Dave arrived a week before the regatta.

   We ended up using the regatta as "practice" as we had not seen our Naples' crews for six months. Half the crew was different each day with five races over the weekend.
Three Spin B skippers: Vic [Vee Jay] 3rd, Dave [Shock] 2nd, Jason [T-Bone] First
Matt keeping the boom in check.
Ben moves up from Opti to trimming J30 Spin.
Mike L from J30 Belle Faster drives us home Sunday.
Mike M and Tom ran the back of the boat on Saturday.
Shock returning home: Dave, Chris, Jim, Frank and Lisa C

More photos from the NSYC Commodore's Cup 2009 here
October overlap: Newport Vee Jay represented at J30 North American Championship
October 2009 -- Shocking Spin Day
     Dave thought it would be entertaining to try out some of his sails from his Baltimore boat Bandit, [a Cherubini 33] on Shock and it was a fun day.

   The sails are LARGE for Shock, but somehow "fit."

   In light wind they moved the boat. And kicked up a relatively quiet day.
Fall 2009 Spin Practice Sessions
Frank, Dave, Tom, Steve, Walker, Mike D
Jim, Lisa C, George, Dave, Steve, Randy, Tim
Bill K, Steve, Tim, Frank, Dave
Lisa C, Frank L, Tim, Steve, Jim
Jorge, Tom W, Vic, Frank B, Chris, Steve
Vee Jay 2 planning to do Tues. and Wed. night races if can find enough crew ... with weekend practice sessions.
Good option for J24 crew who may be getting a bit mature, or a bit "heavy" -- J30 weight limit is 1400lb.
Vee Jay races for fun, but always interested in crew looking to do, or learn how to do, a spin run.
Vee Jay and Shock Crew Coordination Site  Winter 2009-2010 Naples Schedule [Note: we are currently using direct emails for crew availability:]
Recap of the 2009 Newport Sailing Season
Recap of the 2008/2009 Naples Sailing Season
Recap of the 2007/2008 Naples Sailing Season
Article about Vee Jay's Dr. Helen in Sail Magazine
© 2010 by Captain Vic, Naples, FL 34102